Sunday, July 22, 2012

Those Fun Teachers

As I mentioned last week, I had some really great teachers growing up.   There were those who really challenged me, those who encouraged, and those who made me see how creative teaching and learning could be.  Then there were those who, in addition to the qualities above, were also hilarious. 

One of those teachers was Mrs. Pam Hayes.  I remember watching her daughter's home videos from Christmas morning.  I remember her having us act out Julius Caesar by running on yard sticks for our sword.  One day we even watched "Family Feud."  Just because.  Basically, she was meant to teach HS juniors.

She was similarly humorous when I entered the teaching profession.  Below are selections from an email exchange I came up recently and just had to share.  It reminds me how thankful I am to those educators who not only do a great job teaching their students, but also have a great deal of fun along the way.  I strive to be one of them!

Hey, Mrs. Hayes!
I have been in the field all day this week (and next, too). Long hours you teachers have. I went to my very first waste-of-time teacher inservice on weds too! ha ha. Tomorrow I teach my very first self-planned lesson! Yay! Let's hope it goes well!

Take care!

You may have already taught your lesson, but I've been sending very positive vibes your way all morning. Hope they reached you in time. On my first day, I allowed a 7th grade girl go to the bathroom and she set the garbage can on fire. The entire school had to evacuate. True story. Jones Jr. High on the east side of Toledo.  1996. Yes, the newspaper even wrote about it. Luckily, my name wasn't mentioned or else I'd sweeping floors in schools, not teaching in them.

If you didn't have fire trucks, your first day was better than mine.
Stay in touch.

P Hayes

Your letter cracked me up! That is a great first day story! Things have been busy as usual. I am back in the field again, this time with 8th graders. Man, they are a tough crowd! I taught a Ray Bradbury story today (good guy, but man, he is out there enough anyway...) and it went okay... the kids got it at least and were participating. It is just amazing the difference between 10-year-olds and 13-year-olds... wow. I got almost no reactions out of this group. I would just look at them and think, "Do they get it?" "Are they bored?" "Confused?" They just stare at you... oh man. Anyway, I guess it's good to know that I favor the younger ones.

Overall, the semester is still going well. Though I have a busy course load, I love my classes. I feel like they are starting to get practical. Which is also scary to realize that I actually am going to be a teacher someday and not just always taking classes on it. Eek! When did this all happen? I feel funny having authority over 13-year-olds as I don't feel all that separated from them myself.
Take care!

"Can I go to the bathroom?"
"I don't know. CAN you?" (If you are guilty of saying this, you are officially an English teacher.)

Amy, it's always great to hear from you. I appreciate all of your updates. Let me give you a bit of advice. When students collectively give you the blank stare with mouths half open...When their eyes glaze over and don't blink...well, they can only be thinking one thing: "Wow, she is SOOOO hot! I want to be just like her when I grow up. How do I get a detention? I think I need private tutoring. I haven't heard a word that she's said. Is it time to go already?" etc. etc. You get the idea. Trust me, I get this all the time.

Got essays staring at me!! Have to run. Keep me posted.
P. Hayes

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